Introducing Apple iPhone 13 to support 25W wired charging | iPhone 25W Charger

The latest rumors related to the iPhone 13 series have to do with the charging speed of the phone.
 A report by MyDrivers quoted "foreign media" as saying that they apparently learned from supply chain partners that Apple may be increasing the battery charging speed of some iPhone 13 models to a maximum current of 25W.
Introducing Apple iPhone 13 to support 25W wired charging | iPhone 25W Charger

Introducing Apple iPhone 13 to support 25W wired charging | iPhone 25W Charger
The Apple iPhone 12 series supports a maximum charging current of 20 W. Even if Apple increases the charging capacity to 25 W, the charging time may not improve significantly.

MyDrivers noted that Apple no longer offers 18W chargers, and the 25W chargers are priced slightly higher than Apple's 20W chargers, which currently sell for $ 19.99 in the United States.

The new charger means that users with the next generation of iPhones who want to take advantage of the higher charging speed will have to buy a new charger, because Apple no longer includes a charging adapter in the box.

Apple's new iPhone is expected to launch in or around September. The next-gen iPhone can offer always-on display capabilities, storage options up to 1TB are available, and there may be a larger camera block on the back.

Source- GSMArena

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